Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Culture is not innate but learnt!

Have you ever wondered what this world would be like if culture was absent? Everyone around us would think the same, act the same, dress the same and even eat the same. Culture differentiates all of us and it is culture that provides us with the uniqueness of what makes us human. In commuication, culture is an important aspect as it influnces and decides our perceptions when we interact with the world around us. Now lets talk about office culture in our post war modern metropolitant society. Office culture is like a culture within another culture where people interact with one another in a small confined space. Look at this comic strip. It dispicts the ever so present dishonesty when it comes to climbing the career ladder or simple just securing a place in a prominent company. As we all know culture is learned, shared and dynamic. Its is also multi faceted and such principles used here in the office reflects the kinds of mindsets that some people have with regard to their own culture. Within a context of a office, such behavoirs are usually catogorize as indiviualistic cultures where social behavoir is largely determined by personal goals, values and attitudes. Especially in our Singaporean context, 'kiasuism' seems to be our acquired culture and its not surprise that some cases or incidents of such frauds did take place in our very homeland. Whatever it is, whether good or bad, cultural identities overlaps and gives us humans a unique and distinct flavour when it comes to communicating with one another and the world around us.

1 comment:

Emil said...

Yeah I agree that culture is due to nurture not nature. Culture is what is expected from society. In the office context you have used, lying and backstabbing is simply a part of office life. This is what society expects of office workers.

However, one question asked is whether it alright to do something just because your culture condones it. For example, if your society allows polygamy, is it alright to have multiple wives?

Which culture is "correct"? Who are we to judge which cultures are superior to others?