Sunday, October 19, 2008

The hidden truth about whats real and whats not

Has anyone heard about digital governance? Digital governance is a system whereby an entire country is run or managed by using technology such as the internet and other areas in which Information and Communications Technology (ICT) play an active and significant role. In a nut shell, digital governance is just running a country using different media channels, mostly via cyber space to disseminate and influence the general population. Roanoke country is one of the states in America that uses digital governance to run the entire country and has been successful in doing so. So how does this relate to communications one might ask? Have you ever wondered that governance of a nation requires a lot of communication, media influences and other forms of media channel to persuade and control the general population?
The cultivation theory proposed by George Gerberner in 1976 shows to us how media can cultivate and have a gradual influence on the general population. Examples like the usage of cyber space to propagate information and media channels like the television set at home can some what rather have a resonance effect on all of us. It can make us unaware of what actual reality is. Such distortions are happening everyday and if digital governance is applied, other popular sources such as the internet would then be still under the influence of the ruling authority. In most countries, media hegemony is practiced and the media presents the powerful elite who have influence on both economic and political power. As they monopolize media, they have the ability to drive society towards satisfying their own political and economic agendas. With such powerful driving force behind the general population, there will gradually be a spiral of silence which causes most people to refrain from expressing what they truly believe. This silence is further strengthen by the media as they only support certain views that are deem ‘right’.
All in all, it is important to be aware that each of us is unique and have the right to be different from others. Being aware of what reality is and how to be discerning in what the media or higher authority tells you to believe. Do not take everything as truth and always be on your toes.

1 comment:

Emil said...

A county enitrely run by digital governance? Interesting. Yeah I agree with you that we should not just readily accept what information we are given.

The media is often prone to biasness and sensationalisation. Therefore, you can almost guarantee that the news you are given is not 100 percent accurate.

However, the media accounts for a large portion of the amount of news we receive. We cannot discard the information we get from the media. The key is using our discretion to discern what is true and what is not. That is the tricky part.